Two weekends in a row with no new posted work?!? How lame am I?
Working on lots of things, but have been more in a clerical mode - sorting through and sorting out pictures - than a fiendishly artistic one. Perhaps a bit crapped out from the frenzy of October?
There are a couple of great things waiting for my next big publicity push in December (and also some interesting news in tandem), and a couple that could fly now if their titles would just cooperate.
Most of all, trying to find and maintain that mode where art is fun and not work.
But I do not consider this lull acceptable.
As this upcoming weekend approaches, I'll make sure there's at least surprises in the pipe, if not finished new prints/works of art. Gotta keep you people interested and coming back!
But then again, it would be useful and motivating if more visitors were speaking up. Please do keep in mind. I'm going to keep doing art regardless, but audience motivates me to finish it. I'm getting some traffic, but next to no feedback at all? (So special thanks! to those couple of people who do.)
In other news, I'm typing this on my new (2007) MacBook. Certainly the nicest laptop I've used since my old 300mHz G3 Series back in the late 90's (which, when I got it, was the fastest laptop on the face of the planet). That earlier model had the most luxurious typing and trackpadding experience ever, and was like a soulmate for me (and a bitter pill to part with). But this one might finally fill its shoes. It just feels very right, even the new features that I'm not at all used to. And 3 GB of RAM won't suck either.
Notably, this MacBook has Firewire, while the new (non-Pro) models don't. So just like when I bought my G5 iMac (after the Intel models had been released, but Photoshop hadn't been updated to run well on them), there's a real value in buying a used machine.
To be clear, all my Photoshop and Aperture will still run on the Mini (with 4 GB of RAM and the 37" screen), and all my web and website activities (and iTunes) will still run on the 20" G5 iMac. This new MacBook replaces a hagged out (from its previous owners) 12" G4 Powerbook that crapped out in June (right when I needed it for returning to America). Ideally, it will serve as my primary long-form typing machine, and of course my photo dump when I'm on shooting trips.
But additional machines and compartmentalization are huge assets for me - the difference since the Mini took over all the photography work has already been huge. In my Powerball fantasies, I've got tabletops lined with six or eight workstations for keeping numerous intensive projects in motion in tandem. It's quite likely I'll get another Mini next year, to have Photoshop workstations running in tandem (one for longer more intensive projects, one for quicker turnarounds and experiments). Yes, I'm a freak, but it's all about juggling varied priorities efficiently and effectively.
So anyway, all for now, but be sure that great things are on the way. Among other things, going on another trip to Doha this upcoming week, and I always get great photography from those trips (like this month's frontispiece). But I'll make sure to get some stuff ready for uploading before I hit the road. And then do it from right here on the new MacBook!
(I do hate the name "MacBook" though. "Powerbook" was much cooler.)