October 2004 in Lexington, with my 10D and the 50mm f1.4, 1/20th at f/2.8 and ISO 200. Above is detail from the 24" print.
Am enjoying the challenge of trying to surprise you people. Found this little treasure on my hard drive a few weeks ago, and its time has come. This one kind of reminds me of my deviantART days for some reason, though I certainly never did anything like this at the time.
Had never seen seed pods like these until I moved to Lexington, and found them fascinating. Thus, got in the habit of bringing them home, training a tripod on them, and shooting dozens of identically-framed shots gradually over weeks while they sprouted, wondering what I'd get. (Notably, the camera could be removed, but the tripod had to stay put. I had extra tripods, however.) Think I did this with two or maybe three pods over two years, and this shot above seems the most creepy or unsettling of the results.
Am a little embarrassed about the exposure - that black is plugged beneath him - but at least I got the damn focus right. Not very happy with the way that the title hangs in this one. It may be revised.
Oh, and for anyone who's known me/been to my home in real life, that is the top of one of my KEF C45 loudspeakers, certainly among my proudest possessions, so it's fun that one of them is showing up in my work. You would not believe their quality of sound.
Anyway, hope you like the dementia of this one. I'm quite proud of it, actually (other than the title formatting, which has vexed me). Above is the print detail, and the full composition is in the Latest gallery.